Monday, December 5, 2016

Global Warming for Kids

This past weekend I spent the afternoon with my niece who informed me that she had recently learned about climate change in her science class. After discussing what climate change meant for her I did some research on climate change educational materials for children and found this video and noticed how informative it actually is for children.

I remember discussing in a sexual health seminar, the importance of teaching children about sexual health because they not only have an influence over their behavior, but that of their families. My niece is now what some would call "socially awake." Instead of gifts she wants an outdoor compost bin for the garden, and she has requested family volunteer outings to farms, and beach clean-up crews (programs that she learned about in school). She, like the other children in her class who wrote letters to Governor Brown are reminders of who we are supposed to be working for.

Link to Video: LINK

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